Sunday, January 3, 2010

Three Greats!!!

Happy 118th birthday to John Ronald Reuel Tolkien!!! While The Lord of the Rings is definitely not an underground sensation any longer (and The Hobbit being CGI'd as we speak) I would like to put in a good word for two of his lesser known stories: Farmer Giles of Ham and Smith of Wootton Major (you can usually get them together in one volume).

While The Lord of the Rings and even The Hobbit are pretty ambitious reads, both of these stories could probably be read in one rainy afternoon. And while they may not have quite the epic scope of his better known novels, they are both sooooo great!!!

Each has its own charms: Farmer Giles is a great comic story and Smith of Wootton Major is a very deep fairy tale, but they are both filled with Tolkien's wonderful, mysterious and earthy imagination! Hope you check them out!!!

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