Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Easter egg hunt!!!

It was a grey, drippy Easter morning, but did we let that stop us? Nooooo. How could the rain possibly compete with the garrishly epic splendor of this tablecloth? Patrick and Jamie did an eggcellent job of guarding the park and hiding the eggs. There were spies hanging around left and right, but none made it past the guards.

Finally, we let them come in, but still...they had to wait. The little guys got a 28 second head start.

Everyone was anxious...

And...they're off!

Go Jack! (And Felix and Scarlett and Lorelei...)

And Finn!

Amy looked quite lovely and fresh and Spring-y. I was impressed that anyone managed to get dressed up since the rest of us were still in our sweats. Of course, she might have had a little help from the jaunty pin on her shirt, "Lucky!"

Thank you to Amy for organizing the egg hunt. The kids seemed to have a really good time. After Scarlett's birthday party the evening before, early morning basket raiding and the egg hunt, poor Jack was down for the count, but we still had a great time.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Some Girls

This past weekend, Patrick and I had a very interesting discussion with Amy and Jamie and Adrienne. We were talking about various movies and television shows that we all like and dislike and it quickly became clear that our opinions on such matters vary wildly. Patrick and I believe that The Wire is probably the best writing we've ever seen. Jamie found it pretentious and self-important. Amy loves a British series called North and South that put me and Patrick in such a funk, we haven't been able to work up the nerve to try it again. All of us loved Arrested Development, except for Adrienne who thought that it tried too hard and just wasn't very funny. It was fascinating to me to talk to a group of lovely, insightful people and to see just how much we all differed in our opinions.

So, I am continuing with this post knowing full well that my recommendations hence forth may be meaningless. For whatever reason, I've decided to pass on some of my favorite movies and explain why I enjoy them and why they've stuck with me for so many years. If you try one out and it's not your cup of tea, I apologize whole-heartedly, but all of these are movies that I could happily watch at any time on a moment's notice. I should warn you that they frequently make fun of me at work for being an 80-year old woman combined with a 12-year old boy since A ROOM WITH A VIEW and ALIENS are two of my favorite movies.

If you're still with me, I will be posting the movies one at a time and my first selection is the movie SOME GIRLS. Some Girls starts out feeling a bit like a crude 80's sex comedy shot in an exquisite location. But pretty soon, it become something much more. It follows the hopes, desires and frustrations of a young college student named Michael (Patrick Dempsey, way before his McDreamy days)on a Christmas visit to his enigmatic girlfriend's house in Canada. (Jennifer Connely plays his beautiful, but mercurial girlfriend, Gaby.) Michael arrives at the airport and sits beneath a giant mural of the three graces while he waits for a very long time for Gaby to pick him up. This is a perfectly fitting opening for a movie that is essentially about the enticing, but strangely unknowable quality of women. Gaby whisks Michael away up to her family's castle house and I was pretty much smitten with it from then on. I don't know if it's the snowy scenery, or the incredibly decorated art nouveau house or the eccentric family with three daughters, but I always feel completely caught up in their world whenever I revisit this movie. A Russian actress named Lila Kedrova plays Gaby's grandmother and her portrayal is one of the more memorable and luminous performances I've ever seen on film. The writing in this film, particularly towards the end, played a big part in my wanting to write movies. There are some incredibly moving scenes near the end between Michael and the grandmother. I don't want to give too much away, but if you give the film a try, watch for the summer shoes and the grandmother closing up her house for the winter.

I also think that Some Girls does not get enough credit for helping to usher in the 80's Sundance era of independent movies. Obviously, there were earlier independent movies, like Easy Rider, but this was the first movie of my generation that I remember being a small scale film that attracted a lot of attention. It also just so happens to have been produced by Robert Redford and I would not be at all surprised if this film's modest success encouraged him to grow the Sundance Film Festival. Nowadays, people talk a lot about Sex, Lies and Videotape and The Crying Game and other films that came after this one. Definitely they were a part of that movement, but I still say that Some Girls had a hand in building the momentum.

Monday, April 18, 2011


The boys and I are VERY happy to be on vacation this week!!! To symbolize our joy, here is a video of a little penguin being tickled in the tummy (well worth the one minute lead-up!):

Hope everyone else is doing great this Holy Week!!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Fingers Crossed!!!

Later on today, President Obama will make one of the most important speeches of his presidency and, in my opinion, one of the most important presidential speeches ever. This may sound like hyperbole, but tonight the president is expected to make a proposal to raise taxes that, I believe, will not only shape the rest of his political fortunes - as well as those of the Democratic party - but will test whether our country is capable of remaining a great nation.

The reason for all of this portentousness is that no president or presidential candidate has seriously talked about the need to raise taxes since Walter Mondale did it so disastrously in his run against Ronald Reagan. To be sure, many presidents have actually raised taxes (including Reagan - 7 times), but none of them have had the political will or courage to actually publicly call for this.

There are countless reasons why this is crucial, and I would love to yack on about them, but I've got to go to work in order to pay some of those taxes!! Before I head out the door though, I just wanted to do three things: first, give the president some props in advance for even daring to take this step. Secondly, cross my fingers and hope that he does indeed outline a bold and honest plan. And finally, cross them again to hope against hope that he will actually fight like a lion to make it all happen, because otherwise we're in big trouble.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Hooray for Hana!!!

Anyone who reads this post regularly has probably heard of Finn's friend Hana. Hana has been one of Finn's best friends ever since they met in daycare. I'll let Finn tell you about that: Finn and Hana's class has recently been learning how to write letters. They had to write practice letters to friends and this is the one Finn wrote to Hana. I was so touched by his sentiment. It's such a true description for how it feels when you meet someone who is destined to be a great friend. After going to separate pre-schools, Finn and Hana would always pick right back up where they left off as if no time had passed at all. They've been in the same class since kindergarten and still have a great time together. I'm sure they'll figure out the other one has cooties soon enough, but in the meantime, we're so happy Finn has Hana in his life.

In addition to being super bright and sweet, Hana is also a very talented gymnast (She just ranked #3 in State!) Finn and I went to one of her performances last weekend. This is Finn while everyone else was performing...
And this is Finn when it was Hana's turn.

Here's Hana! I knew she was a great gymnast, she's constantly doing cool moves around our apartment, but it was still amazing to see her in action. She performed with quite a few older, high-level gymnasts, but Hana still stood out. It was hard to capture in these pictures because she was basically just a blur most of the time, but Hana has truly amazing balance and form.

Mr. G, the director of Finn and Hana's after school program made these signs for Hana. She has a lot of fans. : )

Take a bow Hana!
We're so proud of you.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Happy Birthday Felix!

Amy already sent out some great pictures, but here are a few more. Unfortunately, hardly any of our pictures of the birthday boy turned out - he was having so much fun as Robin hood, all we saw was a smiling blur running from room to room. Here is a picture of his lovely Momma and her bro, though.
In your face! Ha, okay, not really. Clearly Patrick took Algis' advice to take closer pictures.

Smiling Jack, which is hard to capture these days. As soon as the camera turns on, Jack's smile turns off.

Patrick's trippy shot that makes it seem like we spliced two pictures together. Amy and Jamie set up an awesome archery station for the kids, which Finn and Jack loved.

A couple of merry men. jack's merry on the inside, trust me.

Two lovely ladies. We felt so lucky to have Pat home after her harrowing trip to Japan.

And picture of the birthday boy. Happy, happy birthday sweet Felix. We love you very much!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

What a Day!!!

Well, we were a little nervous when we started out!!
We had some dark looking clouds overhead!!
But with the power of the rock...
Plus a little hippyness : )
We got some great vendors:

An awesome Kid Zone!!!
Some great kids...
Some fantastic musicians ; )

And we had ourselves a festival!!!
And a good time was had by all!!!

Thanks so much to everyone!!! More pix later : )
Also, see more here at our Morning Glory site: