Friday, June 25, 2010

Father's Day

Mike and Molly came down to celebrate Father's Day with us and then we all went down to La Jolla to visit Great Peepa Hank. The boys had a great time hanging around with their grandparents. Finn and Jack begged for hugs and kisses and stories, and shy Mr. Felix even let go of Amy's hands a couple of times to tug on Pee-pa Mike.

Ironically enough, we started our Father's Day off with a lively discussion of The Atlantic's article entitled 'The End of Men.' The article is extremely grim on men's prospects in society, essentially positing that men are slowly becoming obsolete. I, for one, think this would be a tragedy. Men are the yang to our yin. I grew up with three sisters and I treasure my close friendships with my girlfriends, but my life would be far, far less substantial without men.

As the mother of two boys, I've had to observe men a lot. They are definitely different creatures from women, but I've come to have such an appreciation for the energy they put into the world. I remember Patrick and I once went to a birthday party for a little boy with an older sister. We went upstairs and found a group of girls playing quietly with a doll's house in front of the boy's room. We could hear raucous lauging from inside the room and when we opened the door, a rubber chicken came flying out accompanied by even more wild laughter. The boys had created a makeshift catapult out of odds and ends in order to fling the chicken and I have to much as I loved playing in the Bear's House with Bell when we were little kids, I can't help feeling like the world is better off for having a few Wild Things like Max running around causing mischief of one kind, or another - and for you Northern Exposure fans out there, I think that Chris in the morning would agree with me. So...for Father's day, I say poo to The Atlantic. I intend to spend the rest of this post rhapsodizing about the joy of boys.

Sweet, curious Finn

Wild, wonderful Jack

Gentle, observant Felix

My love Patrick, who's boundless sense of humor and knowledge of the world never cease to surprise me. (Happy anniversary, baby!)

My Father-in-law Mike, who has a little bit of all of the above mixed into one, along with an enviable ability to hold a conversation with anyone in the world. And most of all...Patrick's grandfather, Hank who's warmth and graciousness and humor hava made me miss my own grandfathers just a tiny bit less. Thank you for being like a third grandpa to me all these years.
Love to all of the boys!

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Anyone can please feel free to make me one : )

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


First day of Summer Vacation - yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here is my traditional picture taken the minute that the bell rings on the last day of school - obviously a lot of my students felt the need to come on the last day : ) Also, my room is not usually that boring, but I had to clean it (at least a little) for the summer.

Anyway, It's a pretty indescribable mix of relief and exhaustion! Also, there's a weird anxiety of feeling like you forgot something really important, and now it's too late!! But mainly, it's just pretty great!!!! Really looking forward to vacation with Finn this summer - Catalina soon!!! Happy summer to all!!!

Monday, June 21, 2010


Happy Summer Solstice to everyone!!! And happy last day of school to some of us :)!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day!!!

Always worth posting!!! Happy Father's Day Dad!!!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Things 12!!!

What's New!!!

This is a cool idea for a site!!! I have no idea how long they can keep it going (it's only been up a couple of weeks), but it's pretty great in the meantime!! Check it out here:

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Finn's Spring Dance

Finn had his Spring dance performance yesterday. He performed a Hawaiian dance with his class to a tune from 'Lilo and Stitch'. Here is our cool little surfer dude waiting to start.

Julie and Scarlett came with us. Thanks guys! Hi Scarlett!
Woo! Look at those moves!

Jack was there too, yelling, "FINN!" during most of the performance.

Waiting for applause. "Thank you, thank you." The cutie turned around in this picture is Finn's good friend Hana and the pretty girl next to her in the pink grass skirt is his other friend Farrah.

Good job, buddy! We love you and we're so proud of you for doing such a great job in first grade!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Sorry that this is a little bit late, but I always forget that the L.A. Weekly doesn't do voting recommendations any more (which is probably for the best since it's such a rag now!)

Anyway, here are some good recommendations if you're haven't gone to the polls yet:

Also, please support ballot Measure E - it won't solve everything, but the schools need whatever they can get!!!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Time pt. 2!!!

Definitely got time on my mind lately as I've only got TWO MORE WEEKS!!! Anyways, here's a pretty cool video on the subject that's been making the rounds:

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Just a quick note - right now during lunch on the quad they're blasting Dramarama's "Anything Anything" & they were just blasting The Beastie Boys ("Intergalactic" & "Girls"). Douglas Adams said it best: "Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."

Update - Now it's "White Wedding" : )

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

More Things!!!

Sweetheart Like You.

For some reason, when I read about the BP thing this song keeps going through my head. I just found it online & it really hit me.