Monday, October 18, 2010

20th High School Reunion

Well, I went to my 20th high school reunion a couple of weeks ago. Oddly enough, I remember being at Patrick's house the night that Mike was going to his 20th reunion. How quickly time flies. Sadly, it was a complete bust. What can I say, Eagle Rock is a slacker neighborhood. (We had an 11th high school reunion last time because no one got our 10-year together.) Plus, they scheduled this reunion the same night as the Eagle Rock music festival, which, I have to say, did sound like more fun than a reunion. At any rate, Julie was wise enough to stay home. Michelle and I, however, have stayed friends with Camilo, our class president, so off we went. Don't we look bright-eyed and hopeful? At least we had fun at the end of the night sitting with Leigh and Graciela in the spinning bar at the top of the Bonaventure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wooohooo!!! What hotties!

Seriously, you two look lovely! John Marshal has never invited me to any reunions (not that I would go), but as far as I'm concerned your school is on top of it!
