Monday, July 11, 2011

Hey,'s the 4th of July!

This post is a little late, but we got to spend our Fourth of July with some great kids. Finn and Jack's sweet friends Lorelei and Hana came with us to see fireworks at the Rosebowl.

Luckily, we were able to set up right next to a park (and bathroom - score!) I have to admit, I missed Lacy Park a little bit, but this was definitely one of the easiest 4th of July's we've celebrated in a long time. We were able to park right next to this playground, which was also conveniently located next to an exit. That was a big help at the end of the night when we were heading out with four tired, sugar-shocked kids.

This must have been after ice cream. : )

Jack and Lorelei hanging out.

Finn dangling.

Pretty Lorelei

Finn and Hana hanging out (and being goofy : )

Jack spinning.

Patrick lounging. Yes that is his shoe he's leaning on. Using his shoe as a pillow is one of my husband's stranger - or more unique -proclivities, depending on how you look at it.

Bubble time! (Thanks Uncle Thor!)

We blew bubbles galore.

Last year, our camera got ruined by condensation on the 4th of July, so we put it away well before the fireworks. The kids had a great time, though - the Rose Bowl really knows how to put on a show. Jack also loved the musicians playing close to us. It's hard to tell, but the picture below shows Jack be-bopping along next to the big kids. (I think he was just happy they put up with him for 4 hours.) Happy July everyone!

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