Thursday, June 26, 2008

Franklin Graduation

I went to the Franklin High graduation today. It's so great to see these kids, for most of whom school is one long torture chamber, actually make it to the end. You've never seen happier teenagers (and parents)! Here are some pictures of a good day:

<--This is Randy Quintero who was a student in my CAHSEE prep class. The students need to pass the CAHSEE (state) test to graduate, and Randy hadn't passed it yet in English. After he took my class, he just squeaked by. Later he was my T.A. and we talked about guitar stuff a lot.

I love this next picture, even if it is a little blurry. This is Wilson "Kickback" Lee. Although he was one of the laziest students ever, he sure was excited to graduate & tossed a handful of sparkly stuff in the air. I'm glad I caught it on film (or whatever you call it now):

Definitely a good day!

1 comment:

Suzy said...

Pat, I LOVE the teacher side of you! (vs. the rockstar) You look great in a suit and tie, too.

LOVE this picture of the graduate with glitter! You snapped it at the perfect moment!!