Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Our first stop in Oregon was Ashland, right on the border with California. There are many great things about Ashland, starting with the fact that it's the first town you come to in Oregon after going through the winding Siskayou pass - it's a relief just to be there! But there is also great food, the wonderful Lithia park, and - best of all - the Shakespeare festival. My met up with dad and Molly and spent some time in beautiful Ashland.

One of the charming, if not necessarily the most enjoyable, things about Ashland is the fountain in the city square that gives natural mineral water. Apparently it's super healthy, but, as Finn said, it tastes like rotten Easter eggs. By the way, he tried it of his own free will, unlike myself who was tricked into drinking it by a cruel father!

Strange wildlife in Lithia Park:

Here's my beautiful family enjoying Lithia Park. This park is so great, with a playground, creek and various wild creatures running around. We saw a deer and a fox!

1 comment:

Suzy said...

Love this picture!! A beautiful creek, and a beautiful family!