Monday, December 15, 2008


Usually I am not a shopping fan and avoid it whenever I can. So when Christmas roles around and there's just no way around it, it helps to make it as fun as possible. I got to travel to Topanga with the Gambles this weekend to look for odds and ends. Topanga is a great place to find interesting things that you're just not going to see in the Glendale Galleria. And just being there is a big part of the fun!

Speaking of Glendale, sometimes you just have to go. Well, the boys and I made the best of it, and we even had fun at the Americana, next to the Galleria. Say what you will about the "Grove" style malls, they do know how to get fancied up for Christmas, and having a playground in the middle made it much more enjoyable. We did have a good time, got some shopping done, and even got to see an amazing sunset!!! This was on Sunday night - did anyone else see this? Hope your shopping is going well.


The cool family! said...

You sound like Eric, he HATES shopping... even more so during the holidays. Although he usually does it online for that very reason. I love shopping anytime! I like it more during the holidays...

I like Finn's shirt :)

Em said...

I'm so glad you got a picture of the beautiful sky Sunday night. And my beautiful children. This posting might just be my best Christmas present this year. Thanks, love.

Anonymous said...

I might have to use that lovely picture of me on my facebook profile. Oh, but Bro, you spelled our name would be GamBELLS, thank you very much.

Shopping can be fun if you don't take it too seriously, stress out too much, and if you find a cool old red leather jacket to buy for yourself! hehe. Happy consuming y'all!

Amy Gambell

Krista Stryker said...

I agree, Finn's shirt is awesome!

- Krista