Saturday, January 9, 2010


It’s been a couple of weeks now, but I wanted to get in an entry about our last Morning Glory gig at the All Star Lanes bowling alley in Eagle Rock. For one thing, it was an awesome gig!! It was our first time there, but the place sounded great & the people were really nice. Also, there was a great crowd, and we actually played pretty good!! Usually it’s one or the other: good crowd-play poorly, or no one there-play great! However the band has been playing really terrific lately, and a lot of people actually showed up to see it, so it was a really fun night. I was especially glad that Eric and David could make it, and it was so nice of a bunch of other friends to come as well!!

So anyway, the other reason that I wanted to post it is that we’re playing there again on Sunday, January 17 at 8:00!! So I thought that I would plug it a little bit : )

Actually, this one should be a pretty awesome gig as well. We’re working the bowling alley/Lebowski angle and actually playing some Credence : )

Check out Joel’s awesome poster for the gig – The Dead Abide!!!

Also, we’re being joined by an old friend of Doug’s named Doug Grean. He’s a real music veteran who has worked with just about everyone, and is also one of the only people I know who have their own Wikipedia page (it’s right here)! So we’re pretty excited about that.

Hope some of you can make it – remember that you should have the day off the next day, and if you don’t, you should quit your job!! We’ll probably be playing pretty late (our band basically just keeps going until we get kicked out), so come and go as you will, but we’ll be really happy to see you there!

Hope everyone’s New Year is going well and much love to all!!!

1 comment:

Bell said...

I'd love to come see you guys play! maybe I can talk Steve into a visit!