Sunday, January 24, 2010

Star Night!!!

The boys & I went up to “Star Night” at the Griffith Observatory this weekend! This is a special night when all of the amateur astronomers set up their telescopes for people to take a peek at the wonders of the universe. Mom told us about it, and we met up with her and Petur, as well as Amy and Felix. We missed Jamie, who wasn’t feeling well and Em, who was at the dentist : ( But we still had a great time!!

It was the perfect night to go up there since the rains had cleared up the skies, and the views were fantastic!!! Unfortunately, a lot of other people had the same idea, so it was super crowded, but after a spirited hike up the hill, we made it up there and saw some amazing sights!! We got to take a beautiful look at the moon and Jupiter – we could even see a few of its (at last count) 65 moons!!

The guys had a great time, and I’m sure that we’ll go up there again, but we’ll remember to go early and bring some good walking shoes : )

Thanks Mom!!!


Em said...

I missed you guys, but I'm glad you got pictures. Thank you to Kathi and Petur for inviting us.

To the moon, Patrick! : )


Anonymous said...

Patrick kindly forgot to mention that I was in one of my famous "grumpy" moods, and made everyone leave early! (no excuse of course...but a flood and sick husband back at home, a wet diaper on the kid, and no dinner...etc...not a good combination for this gal). It was a good adventure though and I apologize to everyone for dampening the exploratory spirit. The views were amazing!

Love to everyone,


Em said...

Ha! I think I spent most of Finn's first year in that same mysterious "grumpy" mood, hustling poor Patrick and Finn out of one fun event after another, so no worries. I'm sorry Jamie is feeling puny and sorry I missed you and Felix out on the town.

Hope to see you guys soon.


The cool family! said...

What an awesome evening! Astronomy fascinates me to no end!