Sunday, September 5, 2010

More Farm Fest...

Josh and Adrienne gave us some great pictures from Farm Fest that we wanted to share. First of's the farm. Isn't it pretty? It's one of our favorite places in the whole world.

Here is a great picture of the Atlanta Dores. As you can see, Lorelei was very taken with Rebecca. That's Jeff there on the end playing one of many wonderful songs for us!

Here I am with my poor Jack who was feeling puny this day. Not a bad smile from someone who proceeded to sleep the entire rest of the afternoon.

A great Farm Fest trio - Fred, Patrick and Mike. We all love Fred, both for his amazing playing, and for his genuinely fine spirit. He and his wife Cindy are just lovely, deep people. Mike has just started playing the guitar again in the past few years and it is really nice to hear him play with Patrick.

Here is Adrienne with a great flower in her hair!

My love.

Dogpile on Robbie! Thanks for looking after the kids and the fire.

The kids showing off the goodies they got from Saturday Market.

Finn and Lorelei coming back from the swimming hole.

Cuties! Thanks to Josh and Adrienne for sharing these with us.


Anonymous said...

Ahh....Farm Fest...another reminder that we really have to get there next year. Come rain, come snow, come big soccer events, I think the Gambells must be there! Already looking forward to it.

By the way, that photo of Finn and Lorelei walking back from the swimming hole is delightful....they look so relaxed and happy, and the pasture looks so golden...very beautiful. Thanks to the Lusbys for the photos!


The cool family! said...

I love love love that house!!!