Friday, December 17, 2010

Strikes & Gutters!!!

It's been a mixed bag of news so far today. On the downside, we woke up to hear that Dad & Molly wouldn't make it down for Christmas because Dad is feeling sick : (

We were soooo bummed about this, but hope you feel better soon Dad (and Molly, if you're feeling bad too)!!!!!

On the plus side, it's great to have my old pal Eric in town!! Hope to see a lot of that guy : )

Also, I just found out that our congressman Xavier Becerra voted against the tax bill!!! I'm very proud of him, but I also feel a little responsible since I called him 5 or 6 times : )

And to top it off, one of my students just got accepted to U.C. Santa Barbara (and is still waiting to hear from Berklee & Stanford)!!!

So, strikes and gutters. But I hope that you're all doing great heading into the Christmas week!!!!


Eric said...

Sorry to miss you, Mike and Molly! Feel better!

The Patrick abides...

Anonymous said...

Wow, I'm proud of the Congressman, but I'm more proud of you for actually calling him so many times. So proactive of you!

Yes, a very big bummer that Dad and Molly can't come down this year. We'll miss you guys!


pdore said...

Thanks Amy! I just called back to thank Becerra, and the woman answering said, "Oh yeah, I thought that I recognized your voice." : )