Sunday, February 6, 2011


What's the best way to celebrate the Super Bowl? Go on a hike of course!

For all of you 'Room With A View' fans.

Ah-ha! A wild animal!

A wilder animal.

An exciting (but kinda stinky) expedition.

Pretty lady.

Hey, hey we're the monkeys! There was lots of monkeying around on this hike.


Cutie patootie. (I think I put that designation on a lot of Felix' pictures.)

As Patrick pointed out our new action cam setting is pretty fast, but not as fast as Jack.

It was a perfect, beautiful February day here in Los Angeles and love was in the air.

Some of us even felt like dancing. Note Scarlett's amazing form!

Snuggle bugs! We've been a little crazy lately and we know everyone else has too, but big love to everyone. We miss you all.


Anonymous said...

Fun post! I like the cool, black and white vibe. Too bad no good pictures of the coyotes. I love that even here in the middle of a huge city there are lovely wild things running around (and some pretty cute monkeys!)


pdore said...

Glad you liked it Amy!! Thanks for posting Sweetheart - that picture of you guys dancing is one of my favorites of all time!!!