Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Finn & I played hookie from school on Monday and headed up to the snow!!! Well, actually I only had a half day of work, and I picked up Finn from school when he only had an hour left, but it sounds more rebellious to say we played hookie : )

Anyway, I’m soooooooo glad we went because it was an awesome snow day!!! Unfortunately, the Angeles Crest Highway has been closed lately because of all of the mud slides, so we had to take the longer journey to Mount Baldy, but the drive wasn’t too bad, and the snow was amazing!!! Here are some pictures from a fun afternoon:

I’ve said it before, but one of the things that I love about Los Angeles is that, in the winter, you can be in the snow in an hour - even less without mud slides! No offence to those who choose to live in places like, say, Maine, but I really like being able to go to the snow & then leave : )

Speaking of Los Angeles, did anyone else notice that the city looked amazing this afternoon??!!! There was a light rain falling, and these incredible clouds in the west, and it was really ridiculously beautiful! Unfortunately all I had was my phone camera, but there was an incredible DOUBLE rainbow right over our apartment for a little while:

this picture completely fails to do it justice, but it was amazing. Actually the whole sky looked more like this:

I love L.A.!!!


Em said...

Jack and I are bummed we couldn't go, but I'm glad you and Finn made it up there. I just heard on the radio this morning that they've closed Mount Baldy, too! That's the only problem with snow in Los Angeles...we can't handle it. Ha!



Eric said...


Pat said...

, totally so cal.

Pat said...

excellent rainbow!

Anonymous said...

Wow, our apartment complex looks like it's been chosen by God in that photo. And, in a way, I like to think it is. That, or has a lucky pot of gold under it somewhere.

Felix and I saw the snow today as we drove around, and without any prompting at all, Felix said, "pretty". You said it, boyo!


The cool family! said...

Yeeeaaahhh.... No need to rub it in! I already love CA because of Disneyland! It's okay, you guys enjoy your sunny city (with the option to play in the snow if you choose). But, you haven't truly lived until you've had your life threatened by so much snowfall, you feel like your roof will colapse on you in the night and kill you.
Oh wait... Life threatening snowfall bad. Sunny pleasant sledding... Good!
The oy thing keeping me going is the thought of sun bathing by the pool this summer, LOL!