Friday, May 29, 2009


I just wanted to say a word about my terrific grandpa Hank. This is not a picture of him. However, a couple of nights ago, Finn asked me how paper airplanes stay in the air. I think that I probably could have made up something that sounded convincing, but luckily we remembered that we knew someone who not only flew, but designed and built airplanes: Grandpa Hank! So calling him seemed like a much better option.

Of course he was happy to help us out, and he talked to Finn for an amazing amount of time on the subject. It was so great to see Finn get completely sucked into the conversation. He calls his grandpa “Peepaw Hank”, and he kept on saying, “OK, now let me get this straight…” His hand flying around the whole time : )

I still don’t really know if he understands the aerodynamics of paper airplanes, but I know that he is so lucky to have a really good relationship with his great-grandfather. We love you Peepaw Hank!!


Aunt Bell said...

You know, the airplanes he made were FABULOUS fliers! I didn't realize he had expert help - but it did show in the end product. Way to go Finn! Way to go peepaw Hank! :)

Eric said...

That's awesome. I am envious. I wish Jude's great grandfather was around to talk gambling with him, or my dad was around to tell him apocryphal stories of New Mexico justice. I'm sincerely (it happens) glad you appreciate your extended family. Enjoy your weekend. Jude's birthday party is tomorrow! I'll try to take pictures.

The cool family! said...

YAY for grand parents! What a cute picture of Finn!!

Eric said...

Finn looks about a foot taller than when I last saw him.

Anonymous said...

Granpa Hank...what a guy! And Finn...perhaps one of the only kids in the world smart enough to be able to talk with and understand him. I'm jealous of them both.

