Thursday, May 14, 2009


Okay, so I have a question.

Well, first of all, I found a fantastic site that has so many cool things. It's called "We Love You So" and if you grew up in the 70's you might recognize the quote as what the Wild Things say to Max (after threatening to eat him up). The site is by Spike Jonze, who movie fans will probably know as the slightly skewed director of some really great movies like Adaptation and Being John Malkovich, as well as the Weezer "Buddy Holly" video, and many more. (He's also supposed to be a little bit of a creep and was the model for the self satisfied film maker in Lost in Translation, but nobody's perfect).
So Spike is now at the helm of the live action version of Where the Wild Things Are, and his site has many awesome items about Maurice Sendak and this book in particular. If you are at all into those books, you should TOTALLY check out the site!! It has so many great things like the Max costume pictures on the left. But Jonze casts his net pretty wide and basically just posts anything that interests him - a strategy that I admire. There's lots of fun stuff there, like the pictures below (I love friendship bracelets!!). You can check out We Love You So here:

Anyway, so my question is - there is obviously an aesthetic movement afoot that is basically about childlike art that is very reminiscent of the 1970's - think Juno, Joanna Newsom albums, the picture on the left, etc. I know I see this kind of thing a lot now, and I usually really like it, but my question is, what do you call this stuff? Does the movement have a name? Is it the New Twee (I hope not, because that sounds stupid)? If anyone has any insight, please let me know.


Em said...

Main Entry:
also whim·sey \ˈhwim-zē, ˈwim-\
Inflected Form(s):
plural whimsies also whimseys
irregular from whim-wham
1 : whim, caprice
2 : the quality or state of being whimsical or fanciful "the designer's new line showed a touch of whimsy"
3 : a fanciful or fantastic device, object, or creation especially in writing or art

Oh...and by the way, I love you so.

Anonymous said...

Well, I haven't checked out Spike's site yet, but I don't think it should be called Twee. In England anyway that word means more granma chotskies, and lace doilies, and stuffed animals in the rear window of the car, and gnome statues in the garden (but not in an ironic way) I don't think it fits.

What was the Rousseau movement called back in Paris around the turn of the century? You know, the guy who did all the cool jungle scenes, and the gypsy sleeping with the lion over it? Oh yeah, it was called Primitive or Naive Art. So maybe this stuff could be New Naive, Nuevo Naive, etc.

P.S. Henri Rousseau's jungle paintings I'm sure inspired Sendak....they are so similar in style..sort of a flat perspective and same colors. Sorry; enough Art History for you.

P.P.S. Did you know Rousseau's middle name is Felix? What a cool guy!

Anonymous said...

oops...if you couldn't figure it out that last one was from me..

pdore said...

Great comments from two great women!!!
How about putting together Art Nouveau, and naive:
Art Naiveau?
I love you too sweetheart!! (Also love the art history :))

Anonymous said...

Art Naiveau sounds good to me. A bit nasally, but that's ok.
