Monday, November 23, 2009

Positive Vibrations!!!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! As usual at the Dore Family blog, Thursday is hip-hop day. But instead of the usual hardcore gangster rap, it seemed more appropriate for Thanksgiving to send out some positive vibes to the world. So here is the first annual positive hip-hop day at The Dore Family Blog!!

By the way, we are simulcasting (is that even close to the right word?) with our soul-brother Eric N. over at Assassinate Your Penguin!!! Much love to Eric & hope that everyone has a great turkey (or tofurkey) day!!!

Any other suggestions guys?


Eric said...

Nice, Patrick
Thanks for the Blackalicious tip, I was unfamiliar with that one - cool song.

I'll try to come up with some other kind of not-too-cynical list, soon.

Enjoy your pagan rituals!

Eric said...

And how could I forget the Geto Boys? (Points to face) Is the egg showing?