Tuesday, July 6, 2010


Well...as Patrick and I agreed later, aside from breaking our camera and losing Jack, we had a very nice 4th of July. Sorry we don't have much in the way of pictures. Hopefully we'll be able to borrow some from friends, but in the meantime, everyone rest assured that Jack is fine. He decided to wander back to our camp on his own from the park. Patrick and I were searching the bushes with the police when Grandma Kathi and Peepa Petur brought him back to us - phew! After that, everyone enjoyed their cake and, of course, the fireworks show.

My favorite part of the evening was listening to all of the kids' reactions. Jack and Lorelei were fascinated by the physics of the whole thing. "I get it mom, they're rockets that self-destruct!" - Lorelei. "Hey Momma, is the earth turning us now?" - Jack (about the whispy smoke trails.) Scarlett, Summer and Felix were all a little scared. Scarlett clutched Julie so hard she left marks, but yelled, "MORE!" as soon as the firworks were done. Poor Felix hid under a blanket the whole time, but apparently he was also ready for more soon afterwards. Finn and Hana just studied the show silently, like little scientists.
We hope everyone had a happy 4th!


The cool family! said...

Losing your kid is scary!
Wow, I really love those dresses!

Anonymous said...

We had a great time! The next day Felix kept talking about the fireworks, and also the police officer who was helping to find Jack, and who gave the kids stickers afterwards. Felix said, "Mama, Police Officer...nice guy". Happy 4th everyone! And bless all the "nice guys" out there.

Em said...

Awww, yeah, he was a very nice police office. Ryann, it was scary, but luckily we found Jack pretty quickly. I was so focused on finding him I didn't have time to freak out until Julie said, "You were so calm." Then I burst into tears.