Saturday, October 4, 2008

Eagle Rock House Party!!

Morning Glory played a birthday party for a cool Eagle Rock guy named Scott last weekend. Scotty was turning 40 and has been to about 50 Dead shows, so he seemed to appreciate our deal. It was definitely sad as it was our first gig without Suzy, but the people were really terrific, and it is so great to have Joel in the band now. Joel actually played Scott's 20th birthday in the same place 20 years ago! I guess things really don't change that much in Eagle Rock.

Besides the requisite Dan altercation at the end of the gig (handicapped guy in a wheelchair - don't ask), it was a nice night with good people and good music (and ridiculous amounts of food and drink). After playing the bar scene for a while, it's a pleasure to play for down to Earth people out in the open air! The vocals were definitely hurting, but we did manage to pull off a sick Scarlett/Fire jam. I think that if we could play Eagle Rock house parties every weekend, we probably would.


Suzy said...

Thank you sooooo much for posting this. I've been feeling so left out--I guess I needed to hear that I was missed.

The Dan story is classic-- I laughed out loud!

I promise-- I missed you all more than you could all possibly miss me combined. Love, love, love, Suzy

Anonymous said...

So cool to see what you guys are doing - and you know I can't get enough of the pics!

Love you all so much - what a perfect, wonderful, sweet little family!