Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Huntington Gardens!!

Em left town this weekend - she and Adrienne were at the Austin Film Festival where their script was up for an award! So the guys and I met up with my sister Amy, her husband Jamie, and their baby Felix and headed to the Huntington Gardens. That place is so great! It was amazingly beautiful & fun for us and for the kids.

The boys had a blast in the kid's garden - we ran around in the mist and Jack got totally soaked. Finn loved the Japanese and chinese gardens with all of the amazing koi fish - Jack kept saying "shark, shark!" And of course, since they're boys, there was much running around with sticks.

One unexpected bonus was an amazing orchid show that was being held in the humid rain forest room. It was literally like a sauna inside, but the orchids were incredible - the pictures really don't do them justice. I felt like Nero Wolfe at a flower show. It was really a great day!


Anonymous said...

Amy - Felix is adorable! What a little sweetheart!

Anonymous said...

Hey Bud, I'm going to try this again. For us old timers, these new fangled contraptions (blogs) are not self explanatory. So, this is just a test to see if I can figure this out.

I really enjoy having this blog. I love your music and seeing all the pictures and learning is going on in your lives. I also really loved your tribute to Barb. She was, indeed, an original. A warm, bright, passionate person.

So, keep this going; it is fun to check and makes me feel like I live closer.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Belle!

Can't wait for you to meet him some time. Hope you're doing well!

And, as for Dad, who wrote above, which is obvious to me as a Dore member because he calls Patrick "Bud", I completely agree...the Dore Blog ROCKS! Long live it be online.
