Friday, October 31, 2008


Halloween is so much fun with the boys! Finn is an old pro, but this was Jack's first year trick or treating and he showed a precocious genius. He squeaked out a "Trick or Treat" that was so cute that he got twice as much candy as anyone else!

In case you can't tell, Finn was a jelly fish. His mama put together a good looking costume that even glowed in the dark! Some of the tentacles were missing by the end of the night, but I think that Finn had one of the more original costumes out there. Please note that Finn also designed the creepy pumpkin in front of our house.

Jack was Max from Where the Wild Things Are, and never has there been a more appropriate costume. As soon as we put it on he started jumping up and down like crazy. I'm sure that he would wear it all the time if he could and make mischief of one kind and another. I think that Jack liked trick or treating, but I think that he really liked our Halloween tradition of taking a candy break while walking around.
It was all fun, but one thing we noticed was a larger number of extra-scary houses: sound effects, smoke, people jumping out at you, etc. I guess that people are getting into the spirit, but some of the houses were too much for our little guys.

By the way, mama had a great costume also - any guesses? That's right! Isadora Duncan!
I think that daddy needs a costume next year.


Krista Stryker said...

We finally found your blog! The pictures are great and it's so nice to finally hear about what you all are up to. We'll check back often. In the mean time, tell Em and the boys we said hi!

Love, Krista & Brian

The cool family! said...

You guys are so creative!! How clever with the pumpkin! I just bought ours costumes (like every year). I intended to make something cute this year, but at the last minute when there was no time, I had to run out and buy them. Em, VA VA VOOM! What a great shot of you! You should blow that up and frame it!

Anonymous said...

Such great costumes! Hands down, Finn wins "Most Creative Costume". And Jack wins "Most Appropriate Costume". Although, I call dibs for Felix to wear the Max costume next year. How many years and offspring do you think we can use it for? And Em is the perfect Isadora; life-taking scarf and everything!



Em said...

: ) Amy, I just told Patrick last night that I was going to try to get the Max costume cleaned so we could save it for Mr. Felix if you guys want it. My friend Ian borrowed it for his daughter, Alice last year, so it's a little grubby after three years of trick-or-treating duty, but I think we can save it. I'm so glad you guys want it.