Saturday, October 25, 2008

Satisfaction Brought Him Back!!!

Here's a good one. Pandora is a website that streams music, working like a radio station that you create yourself. The way it works is simple and brilliant. You pick a few artists or songs that you like and then the site starts to play other stuff that it figures you may also like. If you dig it, you give it thumbs up & visa versa.
The station gets smarter and the music gets really good! It's all based on a huge and complicated algorhythm called the music genome project, but the upshot is that you get to hear some great music that you've never heard before. I've got two stations: Doreradio and Dore Folk - create your own stations or listen in on mine. Enjoy!


The cool family! said...

I'm a fellow Pandora fan! I have about 10 differnet 'stations', ranging from Enya to Marilyn Manson.

pdore said...

That is so cool! You are truly tech-savvy. What are some of your stations called?