Monday, January 19, 2009


We had a great day at the zoo on Sunday with the Gambells.
It was a typical perfect L.A. day in January, and most of the animals were actually moving around, instead of the usual simultaneous sleeping and hiding. A great day to take our guys to the zoo.
Felix seemed especially into the monkeys (not surprising as his parents call him monkey), and Jamie held his stroller up many times so that he could get a better view. What a good dad!!
Finn liked the hippo, who gave a great display of teeth. I thought the tigers were especially great today as they were doing a great deal of tigering, to the delight of all of the onlookers. It made me think of the terrible attack in San Fransisco a couple of years ago, and glad of every foot of the space in between them and us!!

One of the amazing things that we discovered on this trip is that Amy has the magical ability to make the animals poop by merely gazing at them!!! There must be some way to turn this into cash!

We talked about how cool it is, even in our over-stimulated day and age, that you can still get a little zing of the wild from seeing these incredible animals. It was a great zoo day!


The Gambells said...

Thanks for a great day (and the guest passes!)

You and Finn are quite the zoo-guides.


The cool family! said...

Man, you guys are out there in your t-shirts! I'm so jealous, it's nearly 15 degrees here!

It's neat you all could go with a few friends... it's always more fun for the kids that way!