Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day!!!

We had a terrific Mother’s Day this year! There were wonderful moms galore in our house including my mom, Panna, Em, Adrienne, and Amy - the newest member of the club. It was also really nice to have sister Annie over at our house for the first time, and of course there were some good dads as well.
We had such a good time talking and watching all of the kids playing. Also, we ate some AMAZING food. It was a true feast with all kinds of unusual and delicious items. Ironically, Em did 90% of the work – I did help, but I just don’t know how to make ebilskivers like she does.

The dads’ job however was to take the kids swimming after the feast. It was great fun to throw all of the kids around in the water and to watch them all get better and better at swimming. Finn is getting his whole face under now, and Lorelai is getting around really well on her own as well. Plus, it was Felix’s FIRST TIME in a swimming pool!!! He was super comfortable in the water from the first moment. I think that he’s going to make an excellent body surfer when the time comes! I know this is a lot of pictures for the blog, but it was definitely a picture taking day.

By the way, here are two recent remarks from Finn on the subject of mothers: Finn asked Rachel (Star) what they had at the museum and she told him, “antiques”. He thought she said “Aunties”. Em told him that she didn’t think they had aunties at the museum and Finn said, “Why not? They have mummies.”

And on a more compact note, a recent Finn poem went, “Mommy’s are so smart. They never fart.”

One last happy Mother’s Day to all moms. We’re so lucky to have such amazing mothers around!!!

Also – Happy birthday to Petur. Thanks for making my mom so happy!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for a wonderful day and for a wonderful swim!

I forgot to tell em, one of Felix's gifts to Amy for Mother's day was the trilogy of books from which the quote she posted the other day came from, hope she enjoys it as much as em seems to!

See you all soon,


The cool family! said...

What a fun day to have all those people there. How on earth do you keep your white couchs and chairs white?? My kids are older then yours, and we STILL could never have white in or house... at least at this point. I'm super impressed!

Em said...

Yay Felix! I hope your Momma likes them. Robertson Davies really is one of my all-time favorite writers.

Ryann, as for your question, they're not nearly as white as they look in the pictures, but the slip covers come off and we use a ton of bleach on them. My cousin, Jocelyn who has 3 kids actually recommended white slipcovers for that reason.

Lovie, this is a great post, thank you for putting it together and thanks to everyone else for such a wonderful Mother's Day.

Em said...

And one more thing...thanks for the great music, love. It was fun to listen to you and the boys singing together, even if they did keep making you switch songs.