Saturday, October 17, 2009


Congratulations to Spike Jonz on this big day!! Spike has been working on the film version of Where the Wild Things Are for like the last 15 years, and it finally opens this weekend!! We’re excited to see it, and hope that it’s good and doesn’t scare (or bore) the kids too much!

But regardless of how the movie actually is, one of the great things that came along with it is the blog that Jonz has been helming for the last year or so called We Love You So. The blog loosely chronicled the final work on the movie, but that was really just one part of it. It seemed like it really just came out of Jonz’s excitement about the project and about working with so many amazing people. You could really feel his joy and inspiration almost every day in the blog, and he (and his collaborators) put up some wonderful music, art, and videos that loosely revolved around the Maurice Sendak classic. It’s been really fun and inspiring to see!!

If you missed the blog (and I really hope that he keeps it up!!), one of the best things came right at the end; there was a GREAT contest calling for people to make their best Wild Things inspired fort and send pictures in to the site! The prize was a cool Wild Things Xbox, so kids (and, let’s be honest, hipsters) everywhere immediately began tearing pillows off couches and throwing blankets over everything in order, I’m sure, to win the box, but even more, I think, to be a part of a cool pop-culture moment that someone could probably write a pretty interesting book about!

Anyway, it was great fun to see all of the entries!! I think we were a little too crazed to get one in, but it was so amazing to see the creativity that people showed, not to mention that the pictures themselves were some of the most beautiful that I’ve ever seen!! Here are some of my favorites.

And finally, here was the grand prize winner! I really don’t know how they picked this one out of all of the entries, but it is a pretty cool fort! So now I just hope the movie’s good!!

And here is the We Love You So Site:

Keep it up Spike!!!


Em said...

Love these! Thanks for posting them, baby. It's nice to see so many wild things out there.

Anonymous said...

Jamie and I managed to go out (gasp!) to a movie yesterday (thanks Mum!), and we wisely choose WTWTA. It was really fun. I won't say too much here, but I'll be curious to hear what you guys all think. I'm thinking that Finn would enjoy it, but it might be a tad scary for Mr. Jack (ironically the most Wild Thing that I know!)

The wild rumpus is on!


Em said...

Amy, it was so nice to see you and Mr. Felix in the park the other day. I hope the Max costume fits him, we can't wait to see him in it! Maybe we can make our own Wild Thing fort one of these days.

Aunt Bell said...

LOVE these! And Amy's Jack comment cracked me the way, this recipe sounds super-yummy - I can't vouch for it as I haven't made it yet, but it has a whole lot of goodness going on, and I definitely thought of you, Patrick, when I read it. We love you guys!

Tassajara Warm Red Cabbage Salad

Adapted from The Complete Tassajara Cookbook. This version is less cheesy, fruity, and rich - but feel free to experiment with the components in this salad until it is to your liking.

1/2 cup sunflower seeds
1 teaspoon natural cane sugar (or brown sugar)
fine grain sea salt

2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1 red onion, diced
3 medium cloves garlic, minced
1 pound red cabbage, quartered and cut into thin shred
1 teaspoon fresh rosemary, minced
2 ounces golden raisins (or other plump, chopped dried fruit)
1 1/2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
2 ounces feta cheese, crumbled

a bit of freshly grated Parmesan cheese, to garnish

Roast the sunflower seeds in a dry skillet over medium heat until golden brown. Sprinkle on the sugar, and a couple pinches of salt. Stir until the sugar melts and coats the seeds (you pan will need to be hot enough). Transfer the seeds immediately to a plate so they don't stick to the pan. Set aside.

Heat the olive oil in a large skillet and saute the onion for a minutes or two with a couple pinches of salt. Stir in the garlic, and the cabbage, and a few more pinches of salt. Stir and cook for just a minute or so, or until the cabbage softens up just a touch. Then stir in the rosemary, most of the raisins, and the vinegar. The cabbage will continue to get more and more tender even after you remove it from the heat, so keep that in mind, and do your best to avoid overcooking it - where it collapses entirely. Fold in half of the feta cheese, most of the sunflower seeds, then taste. Season with more salt if needed. Serve garnished with the remaining raisins, feta, sunflower seeds and Parmesan cheese.

The cool family! said...

I want forts like those...
I haven't seen the movie, but my mom took Elle to it. My mom didn't like it. Said it was depressing and a real downer. I've heard that from others as well.
Even so, those forts are amazing!