Sunday, April 11, 2010

Painting, Painting!!!

Well, LAUSD has spoken, and the Los Angeles school year is officially ending one week earlier as our communities continue to reap the astounding results of Proposition 13. Basically it was a question of cutting 2,100 more jobs or establishing 5 furlough (unpaid) days for all school employees. I believe that this decreases our current deficit to a mere 570 million dollars.

As I mentioned a few weeks ago, the most significant difference between the United States and all of the other nations who are kicking our butts in education is the number of school days in the year, so this is not such a good sign maybe. And of course, in this age of Schwarzenegger, when Warren Buffet has candidly admitted that his secretary pays more in taxes than he does, this will probably become the new norm. After all, who's going to fight to increase the school year again?

It's all pretty depressing.

Although 5 more days of vacation does sound nice...

Bad, bad, bad!!!

Have a wonderful week everyone!!!


Bell said... someone who also works in the education system, and has a lot of friends and a spouse who does as well...these are pretty grim days. And yes, it is depressing.

I know at least the general answer to this question...but seriously, what the hell happened to our country?

Eric said...

There is nothing wrong with this country.

Em said...

Yeah, Patrick and I are very resistant to going the private school route - both for ideological and financial reasons, but our public school system is very disheartening right now.

And I find it especially sad that my gay co-worker, who has absolutely no intention of ever having children, cares more about our schools than most of the parents that I know.

The cool family! said...

The schools here are doing a similar thing. We extended past out allotted number of snow days by 10 school days! In theory, they are to make up those days at the end of the year. This has been practiced in every previous year regarding make-up snow days. This year however, because of the budget problems, they are relieving the counties of those make-up days and ending school as previously scheduled.
While I'm sure the student’s and teachers aren't too bummed about not having to make those days up, it's a little messed up that the budget cut solution is to systematically remove school days.