Thursday, September 3, 2009


The school year approacheth, and the summer fadeth away. We had a really, really wonderful summer, but I have to admit that I am a little terrified of this coming semester. Due to the massive budget cuts and teacher layoffs, my classes are about to double in size – and they weren’t that small before!!

Double this!!!

I know that I am sooooo lucky to still have a job in the schools, but it’s hard not to feel like the passengers of the Millennium Falcon seeing the Death Star for the first time. So I was wondering if all of you could do me a favor: could you quickly vote in representatives that would raise the trillions of dollars in taxes that it would take to really help the school system? Or, failing that, could you please send some good wishes my way on Wednesday? Either would be great!!

At the end of last year, I staged my own protest of the current situation. I got permission from the union, and announced it to the entire school faculty, but it was sparsely attended. Basically it was myself. Here is a picture (Ms. Kwan came after I had been there for a while):

As school was about to get started, more and more teachers and students joined in, and by the bell, we actually had a pretty sizable crowd. Unfortunately, our political representatives seemed unmoved. But I don’t even really think that it’s their fault. People are nervous about so many things these days, and maybe this can’t be one of the biggest things on their minds at the moment. But I’m tellin’ you all: that’s no moon, it’s a space station.


love162 said...

Hi, I've visited your blog and enjoy it. Good your blog. Success for you.

Eric said...

Yes, Patrick.
Good your blog.
Your classes, teach them, you must.
Wait, where did Alderaan go?

Bell said...

Best. Protest. Sign. Ever.

pdore said...

Thank you very much love162!! Eric, you're just jealous :)
Thanks Bell - it didn't quite seem to do the trick though - maybe one more exclamation point!!

Eric said...

Lea went through "performance art phase". One sunny afternoon I came up with the idea to stand on a corner with a "Disillusioned - Please Help!" sign. So she stood there for a couple hours with the sign, smiling at passing traffic. People gave her money. Soon a homeless drunk joined her and together they made more money.

Next time, bring a homeless drunk with you for your protest, and maybe California will shape up.

Em said...

Let's try to make your last weekend spectacularly relaxing. And just remember...Christmas break isn't too far away.


Bell, my code word for this post was "proodies". I wonder what my computer's trying to tell me?