This is Em, hijacking the blog for a bit. On our vacation up to Oregon this year, it was brought to our attention that we don't mention Jack nearly enough in this blog. We also, apparently, neglect to take pictures of him. As the third child, I know all too well that second and third siblings sometimes get the shaft when it comes to attention (ahem...still waiting for my baby book, Mom). Seriously, though, the problem is Jack hardly ever stays still long enough to get a decent picture of him. Personally, I think Jack gets plenty of attention. In fact, I sometimes worry that Jack is such a dynamo that poor sweet, gentle Finn gets short-changed, but we try our best to love them both to pieces. Still, in the interest of playing fair and making sure that Jack is well known to those of you who may be far away, here is a little bit about Jack:
Let me start by saying that Jack was the perfect baby. I don't mean a good baby, that kid was perfect. I remember him getting upset three times in his entire first year - that's how rare and memorable Jack's crying was. He ate well. He slept well. He was just very even keel and even tempered. Nothing seemed to phase him. The only hint of trouble at all was when his babysitter told us at 4-months that Jack was trying to stand up. I laughed, I thought she meant he was pushing himself up a little bit, but she wasn't kidding. He was standing not long after that and at 7 months his daycare found him trying to rock climb the front of their fireplace. He was walking - no, make that running - well before one and he pretty much hasn't stopped since.
He is still mostly very cheerful and easy going. He's just starting to show a hint of the drama that happens if things don't go exactly the way his three-year-old heart expects them to, but, unlike his brother, we can almost always distract Jack pretty quickly. Finn is such a sweet, sensitive soul, but man that kid can hold a grudge. (Bell and Mom - I have absolutely no idea where Finn got that from and I don't know what you're talking about.) Jack is a funny mixture of daring and tenderness. Poor Finn sits and tries to read his books while Jack races around and pounces on him like the Wild Thing that he is, but at the same time, Jack is very loving - especially towards his brother. Although Jack calls Finn "Bwuther" (his first word) he names all of his stuffed animals "Finn". Finn the dog, Finn the Shark, Finn the monkey, etc.
The only exception to this naming convention is Jack's very well-loved (i.e. extremely shabby) bunny, Bun-buns - who came with his name. Finn originally had Bun-buns, but he was somewhat indifferent to him. Jack came across Bun-buns when he was a couple of months old and never let him go. Well...okay, he DID let him go once at the zoo and now Bun-buns number #1 is really Bun-buns #2, but that's another story we'll tell Jack about when he's much much older - shhh. (In case you can't tell, this is a picture of Bun-buns tucked into bed at Great Pee-pa Hank's house. What can I say, I told you he was a little bedraggled.)
At any rate, I really get a kick out of Jack. I'm not quite sure how so much personality got packed into one little body, but Jack is just such a funny character, he never ceases to make me laugh. He's more of a handful than Finn and he's got a mischievous little twinkle in his eye that I know is going to cause us many a sleepless night during his teenage years, but he comes by it honestly enough from certain members of the family who will remain nameless (Bell and Mike, I'm talking to you.) After growing up in a family of three girls, it is interesting and entertaining to be surrounded by boys - especially one who is such a bundle of unbridled male energy. Jack's favorite thing to do in all the world is to dangle. He dangles off door handles. He dangles off tree branches and poles and occasionally people. If you let him, I'm sure he would be more than happy to dangle off of you. And if you do let him dangle, he'll probably tell you that he loves you...all the way up to the moon and back.
Some funny Jack quotes:
Upon seeing me in a dress for the first time in probably ever: "Momma! I always knew you were a princess!"
About a cheerio he bit in half, right after he turned 2. "Look Momma, it's a moon! It's a rainbow! It's a bridge! It's a c!"
To Grandma Molly at Farm Fest. "Grandma Molly?" Molly: "Yes, Jack?" " wub you."
We all love you too, Jack. All the way up to the moon and back.
Great post sweetheart - I'm so glad that you remember so much better than I do!! I love you!
Em, this is a great post. It was such fun getting to know Jack better this summer and he is all you describe him and more. I especially enjoyed playing with him when he would emphatically state "NO" and I would say "Yes, no; no, yes" and he would get his great little smile. He has a wonderful sense of humor (which he must have got from you given the later post).
They are both great boys and I really appreciate you and Patrick as parents.
Mike and Molly, you guys were definitely the inspiration for this post. It was wonderful seeing you two connect with the boys over the summer and I especially loved seeing how much you guys have an appreciation for each of them, individually. You were both so patient and gentle with Finn - taking the time to talk to him in depth about bugs and lizards and all of the things he loves. And then you would get right in the spirit of Jack, letting him dangle and taking part in his funny, nonsensical, but somehow completely engaging banter. They both love you guys to pieces and we're looking forward to many more visits with Peepa Mike and Grandma Molly. I can't wait for Felix to come next year so I can see the three of them in action.
Your video had my whole office in peals of laughter!
Jack just pierced my heart when he and Finn and I were playing like a troupe of crazed Vikings - throwing each other around, screaming and hollering (yeah, the neighbors LOVED that, I'm sure), sitting on each other (for some reason the height of humor for young boys is squishing them with your butt - apparently I am a comic genius), knocking each other over with pillows….anyway, once we were pooped out and kind of laying around in a heap, Jack crept up to me and very shyly, very quietly, whispered “Aunt Bell, thank you for playing with us”.
It still brings me to my knees.
You guys have the most amazing kids, and I am so thankful to have them in my life.
How lucky are we to have you in their lives!!!! Em & I are not quite as good at the Viking stuff : )
Also, you wouldn't believe how often they ask, "When is Aunt Bell coming over???"
I love this post! It was fun getting to see Jack this summer and see some of that awesome personality since he was a baby the last time I saw him. Personally, I think he's pretty photogenic too :)
Miss you guys!
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