Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Nice Weekend!!!

We had a nice joint birthday celebration for Em & Jamie this past Saturday. Petur made fantastic omelets & we had a beautiful fruit tart. Presents were opened and I love all of the colors in this picture of Em with her gifts! Also, I got to see both of my awesome sisters, which is always a treat.

It was great to see the little cousins building trains together. Well, Finn built, Jack played, and Felix supervised. The only downside was the attack of a horrible orange tube-like creature. Otherwise it was a great birthday brunch.

Later in the weekend we went for a hike in Griffith Park and I got some nice shots of the family in the woods. I can't wait until the guys can do some real hiking in the mountains, but in the meantime Griffith Park rules!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeah, it was such a nice brunch! Thank you to Mum and Petur. I have to say that I think Felix's role during the train set playtime was more "destroyer" than "supervisor". But he said he appreciated the amount of responsibility you were giving to him.

Here's to many more birthdays together and giant orange monsters attacking.

Auntie/ Sister Amy