Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What a World!!!

Believe it or not, these are pictures of a huge series of caves discovered recently under the Mexican desert - those are people in those orange suits! At first I thought for sure that these must be photoshopped, but they're straight out of National Geographic. And if you can't trust National Geographic, who can you trust? Anyway, I thougt they were pretty amazing!
More here:


The cool family! said...

Wow, I thought they were small ones, until I read that those orange suits were people. I've never seen anything so huge before!

Em said...

Stalagmites and dinosaurs and birds, oh my! It was nice talking together about all this stuff last night. I'm glad you and the boys had a good day at the museum. I wish I could have been there with you - boo-hoo. I'm looking forward to seeing you tonight. World of wonders, indeed.