Monday, November 17, 2008

Up, up and away!

At the end of Jack's birthday extravaganza, we bid a fond farewell to Jack's binkie. He's slowly been throwing them away one-by-one until we were down to his last, favorite binkie. So...we held a sober ceremony out on our front porch. "Goodbye binkie! You've been a good binkie. Thank you for your many years of loyal service."

Then we tied Jack's binkie onto a bundle of balloons (sorry Mother Earth. We usually recycle, really!) and whoosh - Jack let go of his binkie.

He giggled for a minute as he watched it rise up into the air. dawned on him that it wasn't coming back down and his laughter turned into a howl. He continued to howl for the two hours that it took him to fall asleep last night and he is howling himself to sleep again tonight, as I write this. Poor little bubbie. I feel like a very mean Mommy, but I make myself feel better with the thought that his cute little teeth won't be all crooked.

Goodbye binkie. Thank you for comforting Jack for us. You were a good binkie, indeed.


The cool family! said...

Ah yes, getting rid of the binkie is hard to do! We went throught that as well! It took a few nights, but then all was well again!
It's neat you did a ceremony though! I had to chuckle at the image of jack watching the balloons going up, then starting to panic when he realized they weren't coming back, LOL! Very cute (in a sad way!)

Anonymous said...

Poor little guy! I had to laugh at the pictures, too. D*mn that whole cause and effect thing!

Anonymous said...

You know what strange thing happened last night. We were out looking at the stars and a strange balloon came down on our property. Oddly enough, a binkie was attached. Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, I took it and had the best night's sleep I've had for ages.
By the way, if Jack is like his dad and auntie Amy, he will just switch to his thumb and use that for the next several years.

Anonymous said...

yeah, thumbs are where it's at...but I do feel for the little guy. I'm sure the ceremony helped the transition though.

Auntie Amy

Krista Stryker said...

Poor Jack! But you have good intentions, my dad is a dentist so I value healthy straight teeth as well :)

We're so glad we found your blog! It makes it slightly easier to be away from family for so long. It's so nice to see pictures of the kids all the time.

Sending our love from Europe!

Krista (+ Brian)