Sunday, July 26, 2009


Finn has been doing so well with his swimming this summer that I thought that it was time to take him to the big show - the ocean!!! We went to Zuma last week and had a great time getting thrown around by the waves.

I love Zuma beach (I still remember seeing dolphins swim underneath me while surfing), but it's not exactly a kiddy-pool, and I was so proud to see Finn holding his own against the waves. They weren't too big by the time they got to him, but still... Good job buddy!!!
I'm hoping that someday soon, the boys will continue the glorious family body-surfing tradition, and maybe they will even hold their legs up like their great-grandpa!!

Pretty good form!!

The eye of the tiger!!!

We had a pretty great day - and to make it even better, we saw these crazy people (there are two people on this thing!!!!) at the end of the day.

Happy Monday all!!!


Em said...

Yay Finn!

This isn't quite as picturesque of an accomplishment, but it should also be noted that Jack is officially potty-training himself. Maria suggested that he start wearing big boy undies to school. We weren't sure if he was ready, but I think he's only had one accident since he made the switch, so yay Jack! Our babies are growing up.

pdore said...

I'm not sure that I want to post any Jack potty-training pictures, but it is pretty exciting - thanks sweetheart!!

Anonymous said...

Speaking as one who will be baby sitting Jack in a couple of weeks, I say huzzah to the potty training. (Jack, trust me, you won't want to go back until you're at the age when you won't care. I don't think I'm looking forward to that day.)
Patrick, my comment to your post on your recording process is...?. I'm impressed that you did this and I am more impressed that Eric read it.
I am going to get The Shack because you recommend it but you are on dangerous ground as to your credibility.
Eric, thanks for the blog. For some reason my computer is not letting me go there. Does it know something?
I love reading these posts.

Eric said...

Hmmm. Potty-surfing.

Maybe try this link?
Assassinate Your Penguin
Or you can Google "Assassinate Your Penguin". Usually comes up as one of the top two or three search results.
Hope all are well!

Anonymous said...

Patrick, isn't it just Grandpa's foot that comes up? Otherwise, getting a leg up there would be quite the yogic move.

Yay Finn! Doing so well out there! I remember how hard it is getting tossed around by those waves when you're not that tall. I think for the first few years of body surfing I actually couldn't touch the bottom, and was treading water the whole time. Pretty exhausting! And Yay Jack for taking a big step. How I love my nephews!
