Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Happy 234th Birthday Jane!!!

"You ought certainly to forgive them as a Christian, but never to admit them in your sight, or allow their names to be mentioned in your hearing." - Mr. Collins


Unknown said...

Ohhhhhhhhh, I miss you guys so much! Both your boys are adorable.

Love auntie Rosada

Em said...

We miss you, too Zod! Happy Birthday Jane! Thank you for so many years of good reading.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Collins...WHAT a tool! The thing that keeps me coming back to Ms. Austen again and again is her sense of humor, and it's too bad that most adaptations of her work totally miss that. They all make them into these mushy love-fests (which they are in part!), but they also contain some biting social commentary and hilarious characters. And sweetness and true friendship (especially between women). Here's Marianne to Elinor, finally gaining some wisdom after getting her heart broken by the cad, Willoughby:
Elinor: "Do you compare your conduct with his?"
Marianne: "No. I compare it with what it ought to have been; I compare it with yours."

Happy birthday, Ms. Austen. You give us much to live up to.
