Tuesday, August 18, 2009


A cool post from "We Love You So" this morning. Read it here (and remember that it's not about when you were born!):

I like the name of the generation too : )


Anonymous said...

HHmm...interesting. I guess I agree with the guy that there does seem to be a general shift in values in this culture right now (thank goodness!). But it doesn't exactly seem fair or sit with me well to make it so black and white. You know; "We are for everything fair and lovely and yummy and the rest of you are all for big CEO's and dead bunnies and rickets."

Anyway, as far as I know this isn't Star Wars, and it's not so simple as whatever color your light saber is determines if you're a good guy or bad guy. I mean even Luke was an annoying little shit (sorry Patrick, he was), and Vadar in the end was vague and morally a shade of grey, yes?

Tangent there, sorry. But my point is that I don't think talking about the world in a dualistic way is the way to make it better. I think that's what's gotten us in this mess in the first place; separating us and them, separating mind and body, man and nature, and so on. I think we have too much of that thinking going on right now (Republicans/ Democrats are bad/good, vice versa, "axis of evil" or our democratic allies, decaf or caf, etc). I think we need to admit that we ALL struggle with these ideals...most of us want a nice house, in fact I want four, dotted around the globe, but I also think of myself as a responsible, green-ish type of person. I try to buy organic things as much as possible, but I also own two cars, one of them a big fat SUV. So where does that leave me? Am I included in the Gen M? Do I pass the test?

This guy apparently writes for Harvard University...not really the most "M" place in the world. But I guess I applaud him for his desire to shake things up a bit. I just wish he would be a little more laid back about the we vs. you thing. I would think that the truly M thing to do would be to try to talk about "US", as in all of us.

Or maybe I'm just feeling grouchy today...it's been known to happen. ;)

Love you,

p.s. Let's go swimming soon.

pdore said...

Very good interesting points Amy!! We should talk more about it by the swimming pool :)

Anonymous said...

Definitely! That's where all the great philosophizing happens....when you're catching some rays.


Eric said...

Nice ideals, but it sounds more like a teenage screed than a manifesto. I think of a manifesto as being a statement of purpose for a movement, directed to those you hope will follow it. ("Workers of the world unite!")

This is ostensibly written to the selfish materialists, but is so venomous that nobody reading it would want to lump themselves in with that group. It's preaching to the choir. It's like bravely writing, "Animal torture is bad and I don't care who knows it!"

I know I would have eaten this up when I was younger, but like Amy I sincerely question how the "Us vs. Them" mentality has worked. I don't see this as contributing to an understanding, but as smug self-satisfaction, and that is not attractive to me these days.

Yes, I have severe political and cultural differences with the capitalist pigdogs, but I think in my middle age I have become more pragmatic in my bleeding heart liberalism. Trying to find commonalities.