Monday, August 17, 2009

Oregon (Pt. 3)!!!

One of the very best things about going up to Farm Fest is that we get to see people that we love and don't get to see very often. There are so many people on this list, but this one was really special! We got to see long lost family, plus people from far flung points of the globe!!

My Aunt Patty (my mom's sister) was there with all of her children except for one (we miss you Erika!!) and it was so great to see them!!! Here is Pat next to the swimming hole - looks like it must have been too cold for swimming then.

Here is Pat's daughter Emmy in the same place with her super-cute daughter Lilly! Emmy & Lilly live in Portland, so it was a great opportunity to see them after a long time. It was so cool to see that they have a wonderful Oregonian spirit!!

Liily and Jack got along like gangbusters!!!

Pat's oldest son is Kenny. We used to call him the Buddha baby because he was such a chubby little kid, but now he is all buffed out from martial arts!! He is such a kind and thoughtful young man and it was great to see him again. Here he is exploring the creek with our guys.

Pat's younger sons are the twins Nick and Chris. They are so much fun!! They both play Ukulele and sing and they have written some amazing songs!!! They were also so great with the kids and our boys really missed them when they had to leave.

On Saturday we all took off for the Eugene Saturday market. It is an essential Oregon experience, and we all had a great time!!

Two other great people that we were so happy to see - Brian and Krista!!! They came all of the way from Amsterdam to Oregon, and it was wonderful to see them again and hear about their adventures in Holland. What a cute couple!!

Chowing down in Eugene!

Here's the troup parading back from the market. Emmy brought her friend Naoto who is playing the drum. Seeing everybody up there really made our trip even more special. We love you guys!!!


Anonymous said...

Oh MAN, now I'm really bummed that we didn't get up there. So much family that I would love to see!

I can't wait to meet Little Lilly.


Em said...

Amy, she's a doll. She has these star-shaped dimples on either side of her cheeks that are so cute when she smiles! And she's a little lovebug. You and Jamie and Felix will love her.
