Wednesday, June 3, 2009


This is a little bit of a bummer post for Primarily-Text Wednesday which no one should feel at all obligated to read.

One of the more cynical mantras that helped me through some frustrating times was: "People are idiots." This was expressed in response to various political, social, and professional occasions over the past years (LAUSD in particular can make this kind of assessment almost inevitable). But eventually, this seemed a little too negative and was amended to: "Some people are idiots."
Through some pretty dubious calculating, I estimated this to be about a third of the populace. I thought this seemed reasonably accurate without being too cynical. Well unfortunately this morning, I felt like I had to readjust this figure to about half.

The reason for this depressing reassessment was an A.P. poll this morning that said that a little more than half of the American adult population supports torturing people in order to get information about terrorist activities. You can see it here:

Of course this issue could be, has been, and will be endlessly debated by all of the various pundits of the world. But I'm sticking by my number until further notice.

Now, no more depressing posts for the week.


Eric said...

Dude. Sometimes the only way to elicit a "yopp" is to hold the detainee over a vat of boiling beezle-nut oil.
And how can you be anti-torture and yet support the public performing of Greatful Dead songs?
(Sorry, I've been good for so long, but that one was just sitting there.)

pdore said...

OK, half plus one :)

Aunt Bell said...

Ha! Great post, Eric!

Seriously, though, I think people endorse torture as a concept - mostly because a) we are so coddled as a country we don't really even understand what that means, and that b) we, as a country, been so worked up into an anti- "terrorism" fear that we think anything is justified because we are the "good" guys (that in itself might actually be more fuel for your people are idiots fire...).

But if they REALLY understood what exactly it is they were talking about, they would be appalled - both by the country and themselves. There was a radical right-wing radio host who underwent water-boarding because he thought "it wouldn't be that bad" (a Mr. Macho thing, you know, all of these bleeding-heart liberals whining about a little water) - he came away from it absolutely devastated, and has come out strongly and vocally against it. He said he had no idea, and it is the worst thing he has ever experienced. He said he would have told them anything to make them stop.

So…it’s easy to be a bad-ass hardliner when it’s just words. When it’s reality, it’s horrifying, and I think those same people would – and rightfully so - be ashamed of themselves.

Eric said...

I believe the rest of the world thinks of the "Land of the Free" as a place where innocent-until-proven-guilty brown people can be completely dehumanized to elicit apocryphal information. This makes the downtrodden of the middle east love us and negates any sense of vengeance that might have been brewing. Go Lakers!

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, very much a bummer post. But that's ok, we still love you, Patrick. I've been reading The Manticore (R. Davies) and have been thinking a lot about archtypes...The Shadow and all that. I try to keep in mind that people are loaded with personas, and that seeing anyone as one thing (Idiot, genius, hero, criminal, saint, teacher) is not the whole picture. Yes, everyone is an idiot at times, but I hope we all try to not judge too harshly. Except Kid Rock, who really is an idiot.


Em said...

Ha! I bought some Skittles sours for my sour puss today. I totally agree with you, though. What a bummer of a statistic.

Eric said...

I seem to remember him liking SweeTarts in junior high.

Em said...

He still does. Anything that makes you pucker up.

pdore said...

Thank all of you guys for the really amazing comments (except Eric who obviously learned nothing from our 3rd grade madrasa field trip).
That's a great point about the radio host, Bell. I remember reading that story, and I actually had to respect the guy (Erich Mancow) for at least being honest about it. I also agree with Amy about not pigeon-holing people (that's such a great series!!), although I'm not quite sure what she has against Kid Rock.
I think that the "idiot" thing is, paradoxically, an outlet that keeps me from actually hating people sometimes, but this one did bug me. After all, kind of like Bell said, it's just words, but what if they had to do it themselves? Instead they (I won't say "we") ask young men and women to beat, shock, drown, humiliate these people for them. And what becomes of the torturers? Anyway, I was a little sickened for a while, but at least I've got some Sour Skittles coming :) Thanks Sweetheart!!

Eric said...

Speaking of which, I assume you've seen "Idiocracy"?