Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Happiness pt. 2!!!

Jury duty update -

I did not get panelled!!! Since it's "one day or one trial," that's it for me : )
Of course I was perfectly willing to do my civic duty, but it is reallllllly nice to not get picked and to not have to go in for another year!!! Also, now my vacation begins forsooth!!

One last thought though. There were two lists of jurors for panelling while I was there. I didn't get called for either, but before the first one they said something interesting; they let all of us know that this was probably going to be an especially long trial, and that it wasn't starting until late July. Anybody who had a reasonable excuse could get out of it, and before they called the names they asked people to say "yes" or "no" as to whether or not they could do the trial.

Immediately two words started floating around the room: "Michael Jackson" - although nobody really had any idea. While there may have been some people who were interested in spending time in the same room as La Toya et al., the overall feeling in the room was total horror at being on a trial that could conceivably go on forever - I know I was pretty terrified! Then they started calling the names.

Almost everyone said "Yes". Some people sighed very loudly before they said it, but they almost all did. Jury duty is a drag, but it always makes me very proud of my fellows!!!

Glad they didn't call my name though.

Peace & love to all!!


Em said...

Thanks for your 'it's Friday!' right as I was leaving this morning. I'm so looking forward to 3 days with you guys. Happy-happy, joy-joy.

Anonymous said...

Oh man, you missed your chance to meet Janet, and to refer to her as Miss Jackson, cuz your nasty.
