One of the projects that I’d like to take care of pretty soon is to finally learn how to use my camera! I’ve been into looking at different photographer’s work on the net recently, plus different blogs, etc. and really want to figure out how to take better pictures. I know that a lot of it is just having good equipment, and our camera is not exactly professional caliber, but I also know that we have taken good pictures with it, so it is possible! It also seems like there are a lot of really useful tricks to know about, like lighting, composing the picture, not shaking the camera around, etc. So I’d like to get a little better at this stuff over the break. Anyone have any suggestions?
Here are some pictures that kind of jumped out at me as being pretty good. A few of these are from a great site that I found recently called “Boom”. It’s a collection of visual art put up by a guy in Canada, and I think that he’s got a really great sense of what is interesting to look at. A lot of the photography is amazing! You can check it out here:
Anyway, here’s my gallery:
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